Fact about me: I love hair care. I am always doing research on new products that will do as it says.
As I am browsing Youtube, I stumble upon a video featuring this particular conditioner. The "youtuber" that was doing the review was raving about it. She said it was $1, so in my head I was like bullshit. What can a conditioner that cost nearly nothing do for my hair!? I went out and bought it so I can give it a try, well because I am a product junkie. I tried it a couple of times and I was blown away. It smells so good and it makes your hair soft and detangled! I use it as a deep conditioner sometimes too. When I use this conditioner my hair seems to be a lot less frizzy if I let it air dry so that's a definite plus. Overall, I think it's worth every penny (I get mine for $0.79 from my local grocery store) and worth a try. It doesn't break my bank (I can go in the piggy bank to buy this lol) and it's effective.